Saturday, May 23, 2009

Posted by Parrot Enthusiast on/at 3:31 AM

Today I thought I'd ask you a question...Have you ever wished there was a magic pill you could feed your bird that would make his aggression go away? Something he could eat that would stop the biting? Well, according to recent studies and research, there just might be.Let me explain...

There was an interesting study done recently, where scientists wanted to test the effects that nutrition might have on aggressive behaviors. But aggression is one of those things that's kind of hard to measure. After all, how do you measure how much more aggravated someone feels? And how can you create a controlled environment to test aggression in?

So they came up with a GREAT experiment!

Take a bunch of prison inmates being held in a prison over in England... give half of them a bunch of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, and then give the other half of the inmates a placebo (a fake sugar pill with NOTHING in it).And then keep track of the number of rules each group of inmates violates over the course of several days, weeks and months.

Guess what they discovered? They discovered that the group of inmates who RECEIVED the supplements broke something like 26% fewer prison rules then the group that got the fake sugar pill.

But it get's better! That same group didn't only break LESS rules, they also became less violent than the control group. All because they got what their bodies and minds needed to maintain a more even state of emotions. So this is pretty interesting stuff, but the real question is... Why did better nutrition help fix aggression?

And what scientists currently believe is that a body's nervous system needs to have a certain minimal level of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids to work at optimal levels.

Our nerves can't send signals to our brains properly unless they have them. So when we deprive a nerve the minerals it needs... it is NOT able to send a clear signal to the brain. Instead it's like listening to a person who 'stutters'. The message comes out all choppy, and in bits and pieces that's hard to understand. And it's this fragment signal that is one of the likely causes of aggression... in ALL species.

They've done these same studies in MANY, MANY different pets, and what they almost always find is that when they really look at what our pets needs to have in their diet and put effort into making sure all the vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids get into their bodies...Aggression is reduced 30% of the time! And who wouldn't want their bird to be 30% less aggressive right?

So what you should do is look at the vitamins and minerals that should be in your bird's diet and start switching him over to those types of foods TODAY. Here's some changes you can make immediately.

Once a week boil up a pot of water on the stove and depending on how many birds you own, cook up a few cups of bean & pasta mixed in boiling water. This is something you should do as the beans and pastas give a lot of extra nutrition that the pellets just can't offer and those nutrition are what your bird needs. Get your bird to eat one new type of dark green vegetable every week... like broccoli or spinach. Fruits are good too, but can be pretty full of sugar, so try not to go overboard on fruits.

>>>NOTE: Your bird might have special nutrient needs that need DIFFERENT or additional supplementation beyond these recommendations, so ALWAYS take your Vets advice over anyone when it comes to your bird's nutrition.

Here's the great news...

When you realize the power that HEALTHY foods will have on my parrots behavior you will become an instant believer because you will see how your own birds become nicer! Birds that would get EXTREMELY territorial during breeding season would become easier to deal with.

Sick birds with WEAK immune systems were able to finally get the nutrients their bodies needed to fight off diseases, often times helping put an end to feather plucking issues. I could go on and on and on.

But basically, if you are SERIOUS about wanting to have the Happiest & Healthiest pet parrot possible you can NOT afford to neglect his nutrition any longer. Because it has such a dramatically negative impact on his quality of life and how he treats you. So implement these simple changes to your bird this week, and watch as your bird's behavior and health start to improve.

If you'd like to learn more about the specific brand of food recommended to feed your bird... or learn more about different training programs, you can follow this link:

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