Saturday, June 27, 2009

Posted by Parrot Enthusiast on/at 8:03 PM

"Gee, I use the darn clicker, but my bird just get's so pissed when he sees it, that I don't think the clicker works for my bird"... BZZZZZ wrong answer!

A clicker does one thing and ONE thing only. It MARKS the event that the bird did something correctly. The clicker is NOT, and I repeat... is NOT a reward all by itself.

It's just a tool we use as trainers to tell the bird it's just done something right, and a treat is on it's way. If you do not use clicker training properly, chances are it is harming your relationship with your bird.

Let me explain what is going on in your bird's head when you use the clicker...

Let's say that you use the clicker when you're petting your bird. You know that your bird isn't that fond of petting. Would your bird have even the tiniest of good feelings about the clicker if the only time she's ever heard it is when she experiencing something she doesn't like... petting?

Think about that. Now I know you're probably saying... "But I click only when she's letting me pet her... when she's being nice" But that statement is only HALF way correct.

At the VERY least, you would have to then give your bird a favorite treat 100% of the time. If you can't give a treat your bird LOVES, then you shouldn't click.

Over time, the bird will learn to see the clicker as something that gives it a positive experience, vs. something associated with that evil petting thing you're always trying to do to it. This is how we use a clicker to train parrots or any animals for that matter. The clicker acts as a cue for positive reinforcement.

If you really would like to know more on how to train your birds with clicker training, visit this site

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