Thursday, August 13, 2009

Posted by Parrot Enthusiast on/at 11:02 PM

One of the reasons why some parrots scream a lot is actually due to the lack of sleep. Here's why this is such a BIG problem for birds and why you will see drastic changes in your parrot's behavior when you start getting him a good nights rest.

You see, parrots are prey animals. And what comes along with the privilege of being
an animal hunted by other animals is a VERY deep desire to NOT be eaten.

Along with a genetic REFLEX that allows them to be awakened by the slightest noise, so they
can escape from any possible nearby danger.

Just think about how you feel when you get shafted out of a good nights sleep by some
neighbor who lets his annoying dog out in the morning before he heads off to work at 4am.

Don't tell me you haven't laid there stewing over how much you hate your neighbor for being
so inconsiderate as to let his dog wake up the ENTIRE neighborhood so early in the morning.

Well...If you let your parrot sleep in the same room you watch your evening TV in; Now you know how he FEELS!

So here's the deal:

Your parrot typically wants to wake up when the sun comes up and go to bed when the sun goes
down. So when your parrot starts to nod off at sunset, and your surround sound system is waking him up every 60 seconds, it's not making him like you any more.

So here's what to do about it:

Pick a DESIGNATED sleeping place for your bird that is in TOTAL darkness and is as far away
from your TV as possible. This could be a shower, closet in a guest bedroom or wherever.

Just buy a shower perch, or t-stand that you can wheel into that sleeping zone when the
sunsets and start putting your parrot to bed when the sun goes down.

You'll almost ALWAYS see an instant improvement in your parrots screaming or irritability. And that's just ONE strategy.

If you're having problems with trying to stop your bird's SCREAMING, and you'd like to learn
all advanced tactics for curing this annoying behavior, go here: Stop Screaming Course

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