Sunday, August 2, 2009

Posted by Parrot Enthusiast on/at 11:16 PM

This is actually a different type of training motivation. One of the keys to parrot training success, is making darn sure you are using a type of reward that your parrot likes more than anything else in the world.

In fact, make it a habit to sit down and think about what your parrot really likes more than anything else, and then create situations where your parrot has to do something, or has to behave in some way, before he can earn a right to get that reward.

Let's say the thing your parrot loves most is to go out of the cage and watch TV.

This is where you can use this motivation, instead of food to potty train your parrot. He must go potty first, to go watch TV. Train your parrot to go potty, and if he didn’t, set him back on top of
his cage and go outside without him. Almost immediately, go back inside to offer him another chance to potty, and chances are he'll do it after several attempts because he knows that the only way for him to watch TV outside is to go potty.

Gradually, fine tune to the point where he has to go potty before he is allowed to come off of his cage at all etc...

This is one of the greatest ways to teach your parrot about limits, and how he can't just scream and scream to go be let out to 'watch TV' but the only way is for you to cue him to potty. Your bird is LESS likely to ever scream to be let out… because it knows a better way.

If your bird loves to scream to get something it wants, you might want to try a strategy like this… if it doesn't eliminate the screaming entirely, it will at least help reduce it.

If you'd like to know more on parrot training then visit this site:

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